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Photobooth Albums

Photo Safe

Photo Safe

Australia's Best Range

Australia's Best Range

Lifetime Guarantee

Lifetime Guarantee


      Photo both photo strips are a fun and creative way to capture memories at events like weddings, birthdays, and corporate events. These small prints can be cherished for years to come, but they often end up scattered or lost without proper storage. That's where photobooth photo albums come in. These specialised albums are designed specifically to hold and showcase Photo Booth photo strips.

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      What is the Best Way to Store Photo Strip Photos?

      If you’re looking for the perfect way to store and organize your Photo Booth photo strips, then a drymount photo booth album is the perfect solution. Not only are drymount photo albums the ideal way to keep your memories safe and secure, but also make a great decorative piece for any home. Photobooth drymount photo albums come in different styles from traditional book-binded photo albums to modern display style albums.
      Drymount photo albums are ideal for photobooth albums, because they have pages that allow you to arrange your photo strips securely in place with photo mounting accessories such as photo splits or magic dots. This makes it easy to arrange your photos in any order you prefer and ensures they will stay put for years to come. These drymount albums also offer a sleek and modern look that perfectly complements the unique style of photobooth photos.

      Remember those fun times with family, friends and loved ones with photo strips stored and displayed in your photobooth album.

      Want to Learn More About Photobooth Albums?

      Read our Blog: The Best Photo Albums for Photo Booth Photo Strips

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